A Brief History of Immigration into the
Native Americans
Immigration in colonial times
Immigration in the
first half of the 19th century
Immigration in the
late 19th and early 20th centuries
Immigration from the 1920s
to the Present
Native Americans
The earliest
inhabitants of North America are the Native American ethnic groups, whose
ancestors arrived from Siberia across the Bering Strait (which was not covered
by water at the time due to lower sea levels) at least 12,000 years ago, and
gradually spread across the whole continent down to the tip of South America.
In North America, the most sophisticated cultures
emerged in Central
Mexico and in
the Yucatán peninsula: no high culture comparable to the
Aztecs or the
developed in the territory of the present US. North American Indians lived in
small communities called tribes
which consisted of clans (group of related families). Their lifestyle strongly
depended on their natural surroundings.
Most tribes living
in the woodlands east of the
Mississippi combined hunting and fishing
(practiced by men) with the gathering of nuts and berries as well as hoe
agriculture growing corn, beans and squash (practiced by women). They typically
had temporary villages and their population remained relatively small, scattered
over large territories.
American tribes living on the
Great Plains developed a nomadic lifestyle. They
followed and hunted the buffalo herds that roamed the prairie, and utilized
almost all parts of the animals, eating their meat, using their hides for
clothes and tepees (Indian tents) and their bones for tools. After the Spanish
colonizers brought horses to North America in the 16th century (earlier, the
largest domesticated animals in the continent had been dogs and llamas), Plains
Indians living west of the Mississippi quickly adopted them, which made their
nomadic lifestyle significantly easier.
Square Tower House in Navajo Canyon, Mesa
Verde National Park |
The Native
American tribes living in the Southwest lived in
pueblos, or permanent
villages consisting of stone buildings, and practiced subsistence agriculture.
Their architectural skills were the most advanced in
North America, but their social and cultural
development was limited by the dry climate and the poor soil. After 1500 nomadic
tribes moved into the region from the north: they mostly kept herds of sheep
and goats which could survive on the poorer vegetation.
Despite the
variety of their lifestyle, the North American Indians shared several key
social and cultural traits. They knew how to make clay pots and dishes, and
made their tools out of stone, wood and animal bones. Their typical weapons
were spears, knives, bows and arrows. After they came into contact with
European colonists, they adopted many of their domesticated animals and their
more advanced metal tools and weapons. But Native Americans in
North America never learned metalwork or other
advanced technologies, never practiced intensive agriculture, they never developed
any writing system on their own, and did not build any cities or large
permanent settlements. As a result, they were seen by European colonists as
culturally inferior people who occupy far more territory than they need or make
use of. This way, whites felt justified to occupy “unused” land and chase away Native
Americans from their traditional habitat. The history of European settlement in
North America is also the history of the decline of
Native American ethnic groups. Some of them were almost wiped out by diseases
brought in by Europeans (especially smallpox), others
were killed in wars against colonists, or were forced to move into areas which
were less suitable for their way of life (e.g. the removal of Indian tribes
from the South to present-day
Oklahoma in the 1830s). In the late 19th
century, all remaining Native Americans were ordered by the federal government
to move into reservations, areas reserved for them and overseen by federal
authorities. Most of these reservations were located in areas with the least
favourable conditions (mountains and deserts), where they were dependent on
government supplies. As a result, the number of Native American population in
the US became almost insignificant by the 20th
For further information on Native Americans, see

Immigration in colonial times
In the two
centuries after the discovery of the American continent by Europeans, three
nations took the largest part in the colonization of
North America: Spain, France and England (see
Timeline of US History).
Spanish conquistadors were the first to establish a permanent settlement in
Florida, which remained a Spanish colony until
the early 19th century, and they also explored the Southwest of the US, creating settlements in present-day
New Mexico. But besides these two areas of the
present US, Spain concentrated its efforts on Mexico. The
St. Lawrence
river was discovered French explorers, and
subsequent French colonization focused on the river valley and the
Great Lakes area (called Canada), and from the 18th century,
to the lower Mississippi valley (called
Louisiana). Since both the Spanish and the French
were rivals of the English in the colonization of North America, the English colonies received very few
immigrants from these two countries: the only significant group
of French-speaking Americans live in the state of
The English
colonies were established along the east coast of the North American continent
between Canada and
Florida during the 17th and 18th
centuries. The two earliest settlements were
Virginia in the south (where
Jamestown was founded in 1607) and
New England in the north (where
Plymouth was founded in 1620), and other areas
were gradually occupied (for details, see
Timeline of
US history). Although the majority of the settlers came from England, and later from Britain (including a significant proportion of
Scottish and Protestant Irish immigrants), the population of the colonies was
never purely English-speaking or purely white. A significant number of Dutch
people lived in and around New York, while Protestant Germans made up
one-third of the population of
Pennsylvania, and all the Southern colonies imported
a large number of black slaves from West Africa and the Caribbean. New England, the northernmost group of colonies, remained the
most homogeneous in ethnic character, populated mostly by English
At the time
of the first American census in 1790, about 3.9 million people lived in the newly
independent United States. About 750,000 or 19% were blacks,
mostly slaves. Of the 3.15 million whites, 2.45 million identified themselves
by nationality: 83% of them had English or Welsh origins, 7% Scottish, 6%
German, 2% Dutch and 1% Irish (For source, see
As the data show, American society during and after the War of Independence was
dominated by English-speaking people who were almost exclusively Protestant.
The oldest European immigrants remained an elite group within US society, often referred to as
WASPs, or White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
Immigration in the first half of the 19th
In the early
years of the 19th century, European immigration to the
United States was insignificant. Britain was hostile to its newly independent
colony, whereas the
Napoleonic Wars
in Europe (1798–1815) and the subsequent British
blockade on Continental ports made immigration very difficult. The importation
of black slaves was also banned by Congress in 1808, and even though illegal
smuggling continued, large numbers of blacks no longer arrived from West Africa or the Caribbean.
began to increase after 1830, but the first huge wave of Europeans reached the
US in the 1840s and 1850s. The main reason
was the
Potato Famine in Ireland (1845–49), which caused mass starvation, and forced millions of people to
emigrate from the country. Between 1840 and 1860, about 1.7 million Irish came
to the US. The second largest source was Germany, which at this time was divided into
many small states, and a lot of people felt disappointed after the failure of
the 1848 revolutions which tried to reunite the country. Between 1840 and 1860,
about 1.4 million Germans arrived in the US. Significant numbers came also from Great Britain. As a result of the big wave, the
proportion of foreign-born people within US population grew from an estimated 5% in
1840 to more than 13% in 1860 (and it would remain around that figure until
1920). The immigrants who arrived between 1840 and 1860 are sometimes called “Old
Immigrants”, since they are seen as the earliest large group of immigrants
in the history of the independent US (those whose ancestors had come to the
British colonies before 1775 considered themselves “native Americans” by the
mid-19th century).
Most Irish
immigrants were poor peasants, who could not afford to buy land on their own,
therefore they settled in large cities along the East Coast, especially in
New York,
Boston and
Philadelphia. Contrary to earlier Irish immigrants,
the Irish arriving after 1840 were predominantly Catholic, forming the first
large non-Protestant ethnic group in the US. As a result of their poverty and their
Catholicism, they encountered a lot of hostility and negative prejudices. They
were uneducated and unskilled, often illiterate,
therefore they could only get heavy manual labor. The men worked in factories
and on construction projects; the women also became factory workers (especially
in textile and clothing) or household servants. In the late 19th
century, many Irishmen joined the ranks of the police. The Protestant majority was highly suspicious of Irish Catholics, and
anti-Catholic propaganda was widespread in this period. Conflicts between Irish
Catholics and Protestants occasionally burst out in open riots.
The German
immigrants were more varied in their social and religious background and they
were more attracted to the western frontier. Many of them settled in the
Midwest, especially in
Missouri and
Ohio, but also in
Texas and
California, where they bought farms or founded
entirely German towns. Many others moved into cities, and
St. Louis and
Cincinnati became large centers of
German-Americans. The majority of them were Protestant, mostly Lutheran, but
about one-third were Catholic and some of them Jewish. They contributed
significantly to American cuisine: hamburgers and hot dogs were both originally
German foods, and many of the popular beer breweries were founded by German
In the
1850s, a significant number of Chinese immigrants began to arrive in
California, attracted by the gold rush and other
job opportunities in the fast developing state. They worked on farms and in
industry, built the transcontinental railroad, opened shops and laundries. Most
of the Chinese were concentrated in
San Francisco and California, but they soon moved to large cities on
the East Coast too. They were the
earliest group of Asian immigrants to the US, but they were soon confronted with
hostility, especially during the economic downturn after the
Civil War,
when whites felt that the Chinese are taking jobs away from them. In 1882,
Congress passed a law which banned Chinese immigrants from entering the
country: it was the first federal law restricting free immigration to the US.
Immigration in the late 19th
and early 20th centuries

Immigrants arriving at Ellis Island, NY, in
1902 |
brought a temporary decline in immigration but numbers began to grow again in
the 1870s. After 1880, however, the ethnic origins of European immigration
started to change: while Germans and Irish continued to come, more and more
people arrived from
Austria-Hungary and
Russia. The second wave of immigration reached
its peak between 1905 and 1915, when an average of one million immigrants
arrived in the country each year. The largest ethnic groups were the Italians,
the Poles, and the Jews, but significant numbers of other Eastern and Southern
European groups (Czechs, Hungarians, Russians, Lithuanians, Greeks etc.) also
entered the country. This was the largest wave of European immigration in the
history of the US, and those who came in this period are
often called ‘New Immigrants’, to distinguish them from the mid-19th
century arrivals.
The New
Immigrants had a wide variety of ethnic and religious background. The Italians
mostly came from from Southern Italy and Sicily, and were devout Catholics. There were many
different Slavic groups, who spoke related languages, but often belonged to
different churches: most Poles, Czechs and Slovaks were Catholic, but Russians
or Ukranians were Orthodox. The Greeks also followed the Orthodox faith. The
Jews, who came from several different countries (mostly from the Russian
Empire, but also from Austria-Hungary and Germany) had their own religion,
Judaism. Only
the Scandinavians (Swedes, Norwegians, Danes) and some
of the Hungarians belonged to Protestant churches.
Despite all
this variety, the social background of the immigrants was remarkably similar.
They were almost all poor peasants, who left their homeland because they wanted
to escape from poverty and find better opportunities in the
US. Some of them, like the Poles or the
Jews, also fled from political oppression or religious persecution. They were
uneducated and unskilled, did not speak English, so they became poorly paid
industrial workers, just like the Irish half a century earlier. They were
culturally very different from the Protestant America, which received them with
alarm, fear and suspicion. Since most of the free western
lands had been occupied by that time, the New Immigrants mostly crowded into
the big industrial cities of the East Coast and the Great Lakes area. New York became the most mixed city, but the
poorer parts of Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Pittsburgh, and several other prosperous
industrial cities were filled with ethnic neighbourhoods populated by one
single ethnic group. These districts were often nicknamed ‘Little Italy’ or
‘Little Warsaw’; here, the immigrants could use their own mother tongue among
themselves and had a sense of relative security in their unknown and sometimes
hostile new country.

Immigrants at Ellis Island, NY in 1904 |
The social
pressures and political tensions created by mass immigration urged the federal
government to try to control this massive wave. In 1891, Congress created the
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS
), which opened a screening station
in 1892 on Ellis
Island in
New York harbor.
Ellis Island
became the primary port of entry for millions of immigrants in the next 60
years (it was closed in 1954; today it is a
museum). Here, all immigrants had
to show their passports or other official documents and underwent a medical
examination. They could be rejected if they were ill or they had no papers to
identify themselves. Many New Immigrants remembered their days spent on Ellis Island as an anxious, fearful time, when they
were worried about their future and the possible rejection by the authorities.
The New
Immigrants significantly changed the ethnic and religious makeup of the
United States, bringing a huge amount of additional
diversity into an already diverse country. Catholicism became a major church in
the US as a result, and New York City had the largest concentration of Jews
in the world. The social changes were reflected by the census of 1920. The
total population of the US was over 105 million, 10% of which
consisted of blacks. Other races were insignificant in number. The white
population amounted to more than 94 million people, but only 62% of them were
native-born Americans whose parents were also born in the country. 24% were
second-generation immigrants, whose parents or at least one of them were born
abroad, and over 14%, almost 14 million people were first-generation immigrants
who were born outside the US. The largest source countries of
foreign-born people were Germany (1.7 million), Italy (1.6 million), Russia
(1.4 million), Poland (1.1 million) and Ireland (1 million), followed by
England, Sweden, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Norway. It is important
to note, however, that source countries do not always identify nationality:
most of the Jews came from Russia and Poland, for example (Source:
Immigration from the 1920s to the Present
During World
War I, immigration temporarily declined, but after 1920 it began to grow again.
There was a growing public pressure on politicians to stop the influx of
Southern and Eastern European poor people into American cities who were willing
to work for very low wages and ‘imported social problems’ into the
US. The isolationist Congress passed two Immigration
Acts in 1921 and 1924, severely limiting the so far mostly unrestricted flow of
European immigrants. The
Act of 1924
introduced a
quota system for each country: the number of immigrants who
could be admitted from any country were limited at 2% of the number of people
from that country who were already living in the US according to the census of
1890. Since the big wave of Southern and Eastern European immigration began
after 1890, the Act deliberately cut off further immigration from those
countries (e.g. Italians only received 4,000 visas), whereas it offered
generous quotas for Britain, Ireland and Germany, which they did not fill.
Immigration of Asians (primarily Japanese) was effectively banned. All immigrants
had to obtain visas at US embassies abroad before immigration. After 1927, a
maximum limit of 150,000 immigrants per year was introduced and the census data
of 1920 became the basis of the 2% rule.
The 1924 Act, which remained in effect until after World War II, was a turning point in the history of
immigration to the US: it drastically reduced immigration from Europe, with the
result that the proportion of whites stopped growing, and slowly began to
decline after World War II. The quotas and other limitations did not apply to
people coming from the American continent, because western farmers lobbied
successfully for cheap immigrant laborers from Mexico. This gave rise to a
steadily growing influx of immigrants from Latin America.
Besides the restrictive laws, the
Great Depression which
began in 1929 also drastically reduced immigration, since the US suffered the
greatest economic collapse in its history. During the 1930s, the annual number
of immigrants often fell below 100,000. During World War II, the US received
some political refugees from Europe, but refused to give immigration visas to
tens of thousands of German Jews, most of whom perished in the Holocaust.
After the war, although official quotas remained in force, the strict
maximum limits were softened by creating a special status for political
refugees from war-torn Europe, and later from Korea and Cuba. In the 1950s, the
US government started the first federal operation to capture and expel
‘wetbacks’, or illegal immigrants from Mexico who mostly crossed the Rio Grande
into Texas. Despite the efforts, immigration from Mexico continued to grow,
unlimited by federal laws.
The national-origins quotas were finally abolished in 1965. The new
immigration law replaced the old system with two separate maximum limits for
the Eastern and the Western Hemisphere (the latter means the American
continent, the former the rest of the world). It also introduced a complicated
set of preferences for relatives of people already living in the US and
continued to allow special status for political refugees. The most important
impact of the new law was that it opened the doors for Asian countries:
Koreans, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Chinese, Asian Indians
(people from the Republic of India) and other groups began
to immigrate to the US in continually increasing numbers. Most of them settled
on the West Coast, especially in Southern California, where they typically
operated small shops and other businesses. Although the law introduced limits
to Latin American immigration for the first time, it was unable to reduce the
flow of Mexicans across the border, as well as the immigration of Cubans,
Haitians, Dominicans, and other groups, typically from the Caribbean and
Central America.
By the 1980s, more than 80% of all immigrants arrived either from Asia or
Latin America, and this number did not include illegal Mexican immigrants.
Mexican immigration reached such a
magnitude that Congress passed a new
Immigration Act in 1986 with the explicit purpose of reducing
the influx of poor Mexicans. The law introduced penalties for employers who
hired illegal immigrants in the hope that this way businesses
could be scared away from employing illegal Mexicans. At the same time, the law
offered amnesty, legal status and ultimately full citizenship for those illegal
aliens who had been living and working in the country for at least four years.
The law, however, turned out to be a failure, because the attraction of higher
standards of living in the US proved stronger than fears from
deportation. Also, many illegal immigrants hoped for a new wave of amnesty.
As a result
of the immigration trends of the 20th century, the proportion of non-Hispanic
whites has been reduced to about 70% of the total US population by 2000. In the meantime,
Hispanics have overtaken blacks to become the second largest group with c. 13%
of the population. The proportion of blacks remained relatively steady, around
12%, while the proportion of Asians also grew significantly, to 4% of the total
population. Native Americans and other races make up no more than 1% of the
entire US population (for details, see
Henretta―W. E. Brownlee―D. Brody―S. Ware, America's History. Vol. 1 to
1877. 2nd Edition. New York: Worth Publishers, 1993.
Norton―D.M. Katzman―P.D. Escott―H.P. Chudacoff―T.G. Paterson―W.M. Tuttle, Jr.,
A People and a Nation. A History of the United States. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin Co., 1986.
E. Fiedler―R. Jansen―M. Norman-Risch, America in
Close-Up. 2nd Edition. London: Longman, 2001.
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