The Monarchy


1. Why does the Queen have two birthdays?

2. What powers does the Queen have?

3. Why is the heir to the throne called the Prince of Wales?

4. What does ‘Royal’ mean in the context of Royal Borough of... Royal Society of...?

5. What are Royal Warrants?

6. What is the origin of the mottoes ‘Dieu et mon droit’ and ‘Honi soit qui mal y pense’?

7. How does the honours system work?

8. What is the order of precedence for royalty, peers etc?

9. Royal Ceremonies




Why does the Queen have two birthdays?

The Queen was actually born on 21 April, but it has long been customary to celebrate the Sovereign’s birthday on a day during the summer. Since 1805 the Sovereign’s ‘official’ birthday has been marked by the Trooping the Colour ceremony, normally held on the second Saturday in June.
This is a ceremony which originated when it was essential for soldiers to recognise the flag or ‘Colour’ of their regiment so that they could follow it into battle. Each year one of the five regiments of the foot guards (Grenadiers, Coldstream Guards, Scots, Irish and Welsh Guards) take turns to display their Colour in the ceremony.
The ceremony begins with the Queen leaving Buckingham Palace escorted by the Household Cavalry. She rides down The Mall to Horse Guards Parade and inspects the 500 guardsmen.
The Colour is trooped by being carried along the ranks of guardsmen, and the Colour party then leads the guards on a march past the Queen, accompanied by the massed bands of the foot guards.
No particular annual ceremony is held on the Queen’s true birthday, although the Union Flag is flown on public buildings and the national anthem is sung.



What powers does the Queen have?

The Crown, which represents both the Sovereign (the person on whom the Crown is constitutionally conferred) and the Government, is the symbol of supreme executive power. The Crown is vested in the Queen, but in general its functions are exercised by Ministers responsible to Parliament and thus Britain is governed by Her Majesty’s Government in the name of the Queen. However, the Queen’s involvement is still required in many important acts of government.

The Queen summons, prorogues (discontinues until the next session without dissolving) and dissolves Parliament. She normally opens the new session of Parliament with a speech from the throne which is written for her by the Government and outlines her Government’s programme. Before a Bill becomes law the Queen must give it her Royal Assent, which is announced to both Houses of Parliament.

The Queen can, on ministerial advice, pardon or show mercy to those convicted of crimes. In law the Queen as a private person can do no wrong: she is immune from civil or criminal proceedings and cannot be sued in courts of law. This immunity is not shared by other members of the royal family.

Honours and appointments:
The Queen has the power to confer peerages, knighthoods and other honours. She normally does this on the recommendation of
the Prime Minister, although a few honours are conferred by the Sovereign personally. The Queen makes appointments to many important state offices, on the advice of the Prime Minister or the relevant Cabinet Minister.

Foreign policy:
Foreign diplomatic representatives in London are accredited to the Queen, and she has the power to conclude treaties, to declare war and to make peace, to recognise foreign states and governments and to annex and cede territory.

Privy Council:
The Queen presides over meetings of the Privy Council. At these, among other things, Orders in Council made under the Royal Prerogative or under statute are approved. The Royal Prerogative mainly comprises executive government - powers controlled by constitutional conventions (rules which are not part of the law, but which are regarded as indispensable to the machinery of government).
In nearly all cases acts involving the Royal Prerogative are performed by Ministers who are responsible to Parliament and can be questioned about policies. Parliament has the power to abolish or restrict a prerogative right. In addition to being informed and consulted about all aspects of national life, the Queen is free to put forward her own views, in private, for the consideration of her Ministers.


Why is the heir to the throne called the Prince of Wales?

The Heir Apparent has, since the institution of the title by King Edward I in 1301, usually been ‘created’ Prince of Wales. Edward I led the conquest of independent Wales between 1277 and 1283. He subsequently proclaimed his son, Edward, born at Caernarfon in Wales in 1284, the Prince of Wales. There is no succession to the title, which is only renewed at the Sovereign’s pleasure. The present Prince of Wales is the 21st in line - counting several who were never formally invested! Prince Charles was created Prince of Wales at Caernarfon Castle on July 1st 1969.



What does ‘Royal’ mean in the context of Royal Borough of... Royal Society of...?

The use of the word ‘Royal’ in connection with a society, borough or organisation indicates that they were founded or established by, or are under the patronage of, a Sovereign or royal person.
There are three English boroughs that have the title ‘Royal’: Kensington and Chelsea, Kingston upon Thames and Windsor and Maidenhead, indicating that historically a Sovereign has conferred that title upon them.
There are many other ‘Royal’ societies or organisations that have received Royal patronage, among them the Royal Automobile Club, granted the patronage of Edward VII in 1907, and the Royal Society - a society incorporated by Charles II in 1662 for the pursuit and advancement of the physical sciences.



What are Royal Warrants?

Since the Middle Ages, tradespeople who have acted as suppliers of goods and services to the Sovereign have received the honour of formal recognition. In the beginning this patronage took the form of royal charters given collectively to various trade guilds; later the relationship between the Crown and individual tradespeople was formalised by the issue of royal warrants.
To become eligible for the status of royal tradesperson, the head of a company must be able to show that they have supplied a substantial amount of goods and services to the Royal Household for a period of not less than three consecutive years. Application is then made to the Lord Chamberlain’s Office, which supervises the granting of warrants.
Once granted, the warrant, which is governed by strict regulations, allows the grantee or their company to use the legend ‘By Appointment’ and to display the Royal Arms on their products, such as stationery, advertisements and on their premises. Royal warrants of appointment are granted only by the Queen,
the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and the Prince of Wales.



What is the origin of the mottoes ‘Dieu et mon droit’ and ‘Honi soit qui mal y pense’?

‘Dieu et mon droit’ (French for ‘God and my right’ - see above) is the motto of the Sovereign. The words were the countersign (military password) chosen by King Richard I before the battle of Gisors in 1198, meaning that he was no vassal of France, but owed his royalty to God alone. The French were defeated in battle, but the password was not adopted as the royal motto of England until the time of Henry VI and has since been retained by his successors. The motto appears below the shield on the Royal Coat of Arms.
‘Honi soit qui mal y pense’ (French for ‘Evil be to him who evil thinks’ - see above) appears on a garter which surrounds the shield on the Royal Coat of Arms. This garter symbolises the Order of the Garter, an ancient order of knighthood of which the Queen is Sovereign. The Order of the Garter was founded by Edward III in 1348 during the Hundred Years War with France.
The motto may well have been directed at critics of the King’s claims to the French throne; however, according to a tradition first recorded by Tudor chroniclers, the motto originated at a feast celebrating the capture of Calais in 1347. The King’s mistress, the Countess of Salisbury, was mocked by courtiers for losing her garter during a dance, but Edward at once stepped forward and tied the blue ribbon around his own knee, uttering the motto as a rebuke and declaring that the Garter would soon be held in the highest esteem!



How does the honours system work?

British honours are awarded on merit, for exceptional achievement or service. In 1993 the then Prime Minister, John Major, ended the automatic practice of conferring awards on the holders of certain posts, opening the honours system to more people - particularly those in the voluntary sector - who qualify on merit. Most honours are announced in one of the two annual sets of honours lists - one at New Year and the other in June, on the Queen’s official birthday. The Queen chooses the recipients of honours on the advice of the Prime Minister and other relevant ministers, to whom recommendations are made by their departments or members of the public.
The various honours include:
Life Peers: These titles are not hereditary and are the only form of peerage regularly created by the Queen nowadays.
Baronetcies: A baronetcy is a heritable honour - a title that is passed on to male heirs.
Knighthoods: Knights may be either Knights Bachelor, or members of one of the Orders of Chivalry. The honour of knighthood derives from the usages of medieval chivalry, as does the method normally used to confer the knighthood: the accolade, or touch of a sword by the Sovereign.
The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire:
this award is given mainly to civilians and service personnel for public service and other distinctions. The OBE and MBE are the two orders most commonly awarded to men and women for services to their country.



What is the order of precedence for royalty, peers etc?

The Peerage of the United Kingdom comprises most peerages created in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland after the Act of Union in 1801. Until the House of Lords Act 1999 was passed, all Peers of the UK could sit in the House of Lords. The ranks of the peerage are, in descending order of rank, Duke (herceg), Marquess (õrgróf), Earl (gróf), Viscount (there is no Hungarian equivalent), and Baron; the feminine equivalents are duchess, marchioness, countess, viscountess and baroness respectively.

In the United Kingdom, Life Peers are created members of the Peerage whose titles may not be inherited (those whose titles are inheritable are known as hereditary peers). Nowadays, life peerages, always of baronial rank, are created under the Life Peerages Act 1958 and carry with them, presuming the recipient meets qualifications such as age and citizenship, seats in the House of Lords.

Hereditary peers hold titles that may be inherited. Formerly, most of them were entitled to a seat in Parliament, but now, hereditary peers do not have an automatic right to sit in the House of Lords. Ninety-two are permitted to sit in the House of Lords under the House of Lords Act 1999.

The order of precedence in England and Wales is as follows:
The Sovereign; The Duke of Edinburgh; The Prince of Wales; The Sovereign’s younger sons; The Sovereign’s grandsons; The Sovereign’s cousins; The Archbishop of Canterbury; Lord High Chancellor; Archbishop of York; The Prime Minister; Lord High Treasurer; Lord President of the Council; Speaker of the House of Commons; Lord Privy Seal; Ambassadors and High Commissioners.

Peers rank among themselves as follows:
1. of England,
2. of Scotland,
3. of Great Britain,
4. of Ireland,
5. of UK and Ireland.

Precedence among those with honours and titles:
Dukes; Marquesses; Earls; Viscounts; Barons; Knights of the Garter; Baronets; Knights of the Thistle and other orders; Knights Bachelor; Companions.
The Archbishop of Canterbury takes precedence in England and Wales after Royal Princes, while Bishops rank above barons but below viscounts.
In Scotland precedence alters as follows: The Sovereign; The Duke of Edinburgh; The Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly (while that Assembly is sitting); The Duke of Rothesay (eldest son of the Sovereign); The Sovereign’s younger sons; the Sovereign’s cousins; Lord Lieutenant of Counties; Lords Provost of Counties of Cities; Sheriffs Principal; Lord Chancellor of Great Britain; Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland; The Prime Minister.



Royal Ceremonies

London is a royal city and has preserved its ceremonies and traditions over hundreds of years. Some are every day and some are every year.

The most traditional ceremonies and most popular attractions are the Trooping of the Colour (left) and the Changing of the Guard. Each year, the Queen and other members of the Royal Family attend the Trooping the Colour ceremony on Horse Guards Parade in London. The Queen attends the ceremony to take the salute from thousands of guardsmen who parade the Queen's Colour (flag).  Trooping the Colour, which has honoured the sovereign's official birthday for nearly two centuries, dates back to the earliest times of armed conflict, when each leader needed his own flag or colours to stand out clearly amid the smoke and dust of battle. The flag or colours was trooped in front of the soldiers every day to make sure that every man could recognise those of his own regiment.


Searching the Houses of Parliament:
Before every State Opening of Parliament, the Yeomen of the Guard search the cellars beneath the Palace of Westminster by the light of old candle-lanterns. This precaution has been undertaken every year since 1605, when the "Gunpowder Conspirators" attempted to blow up parliament on the day of the State Opening.


The State Opening of Parliament:
Dating back to Medieval London, this ceremony marks the beginning of the new parliamentary year and features peers and bishops in traditional robes and a royal procession involving the State Coach. State openings usually take place in November, or soon after a General Election. On the day of the Opening, the Queen travels from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament in the Stage Coach (a gold carriage). Once the Queen arrives at Parliament the union flag is lowered and replaced by the royal standard. The Queen, wearing her crown and ceremonial robes then processes through the Royal Gallery to take her place on the throne in the House of Lords, from where she sends her messenger (Black Rod) to summon the MPs. When he arrives at the House of Commons, the door is slammed in his face, symbolizing the right of the Commons to freedom from interference. He must then knock three times to gain entry and deliver his summons. The Queen sits on a throne in the House of Lords and reads the "Queen's Speech". It is tradition for the monarch to open parliament in person, and The Queen has performed the ceremony in every year of her reign except for 1959 and 1963, when she was pregnant with princes Andrew and Edward respectively. No King or Queen has entered the House of Commons since 1642, when Charles l stormed in with his soldiers and tried to arrest five members of Parliament who were against the King being given command of the new army.


Ceremony of the Keys:
One of London’s most timeless ceremonies, dating back 700 years is the ceremony of the keys which takes place at the Tower of London.
At 21:53 each night the Chief Yeoman Warder of the Tower, dressed in Tudor uniform, sets off to meet the Escort of the Key dressed in the well-known Beefeater uniform. Together they tour the various gates ceremonially locking them, on returning to the Bloody Tower archway they are challenged by a sentry.

"Who goes there?"

"The Keys." answers The Chief Warder

"Whose Keys?" the sentry demands.

"Queen Elizabeth's Keys."

"Pass Queen Elizabeth's Keys. All's well."

A trumpeter then sounds the Last Post before the keys are secured in the Queen’s House.


Changing of the Guard: 
Outside Buckingham Palace, you can see guardsmen dressed in their bright red uniforms and bearskin hats. These guardsmen protect the Queen. Every day a new guard of thirty guardsmen marches to the palace and takes the place of the "old guard". This is known as the Changing of the Guards ceremony and it dates back to 1660. The monarch and the royal palaces have been guarded by the Household Troops since 1660.


Maundy Money:
Maundy Thursday is the day before Good Friday, at Easter. On that day the Queen gives Maundy money to a group of old people. This tradition is over 1,000 years old. At one time the king or queen washed the feet of poor, old people on Maundy Thursday, but that stopped in 1754.


Swan Upping:

In July, the Queen´s swan keeper sails up the River Thames, from London Bridge to Henley. Swans are weighed and tagged during the annual Swan Upping event on the Thames. Royal ownership is shared with the Vintners' and Dyers' Companies, who were granted rights of ownership by the Crown in the 15th century.

The Queen's Telegram:
This fairly new custom assures aspiring centenarians that they will receive a birthday telegram from the queen on their one-hundredth birthday. On his or her one hundreth birthday, a British person gets a telegram from the Queen.


The Birthday Honours list and the New Year Honours list:
Twice a year at Buckingham Palace, the Queen gives titles or 'honours', once in January and once in June.





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1.-9. 100 Questions Answered © Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London 1998

 Royal Ceremonies © Mandy Barrow, Woodlands Junior School 2006