Basic English Syntax with Exercises

Suggested answer for Exercise 9

Obviously, as far as the possible sample sentences are concerned, there are a lot of solutions for this exercise. As a guide, a sample set of sentences is given here.

(1)aThe soil of the forest is covered with leaves. (N – plural of leaf)
bThe train leaves immediately. (V – 3Sg form of leave)
(2)aThis behaviour of yours will lead to problems. (V)
bLead is considered to be one of the heavy metals. (N)
(3)aThat newspaper costs 2$. (V – 3Sg form of cost)
bThe costs of the reconstruction must be urgently reduced by the committee. (N – plural of cost)
(4)aA fly has been found in the guest’s soup. (N)
bAlthough they are birds, penguins cannot fly. (V)
(5)aWhenever I go to the bathroom, the telephone rings. (V – 3Sg form of ring)
b“Three rings for the elven kings under the sky...” (J. R. R. Tolkien) (N – plural of ring)
(6)aTears were rolling down on her face while listening to the story. (N – plural of tear)
bHe tears a sheet from the pad. (V – 3Sg form of tear)
(7)aOur neighbours will water our plants while we travel. (V)
bCould you please give me a glass of water? (N)
(8)aQueen Elizabeth II rules the United Kingdom. (V – 3Sg form of rule)
bAll players must follow the rules of this game. (N – plural of ring)
(9)aIn the present situation, we cannot but wait. (Adj)
bHe gave me a fabulous present for my birthday. (N)
cThe mayor will present the prizes after the competition. (V)
(10)aDo not dare to touch it, it is mine. (pronoun)
bThis is the only copper mine of this country. (N)
cAn Australian company will mine for gold in this village. (V)
(11)aIt is not probable that the left will win the elections. (N)
bMy uncle writes with his left hand. (Adj)
cTurn left at the corner. (Adv)
dHer boyfriend left without a word. (V – past tense of leave)
(12)aIt has been a long night. (Adj)
bHave you been here long? (Adv)
cI long to be with my husband. (V)
(13)aI do not like fast food very much. (Adj)
bYou drive too fast. (Adv)
cMuslims fast during Ramadan. (V)
dIn order to lose weight, she went on a fast. (N)