Basic English Syntax with Exercises

Suggested answer for Exercise 8

Meaning 1:

One of the children’s books were on the desk.

Meaning 2:

One of the children’s books was on the desk.

In meaning 1, the string one of the children forms one node, which can be proved by substituting a DP for this string of words:

(1)a[DP one of the children]’s books
b[DP John]’s books

In meaning 2, the string the children’s books forms one node, which can again be proved by substituting a DP for this string of words:

(2)aone of [DP the children’s books]
bone of [DP them]

The tree structure of the DP with meaning 1 is that in (3a) and the structure of the DP with meaning four is under (3b).
