Vizuális és irodalmi narráció


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Manfred Jahn

Árukapcsolások, kizárások, határterületek:
a megbízhatatlanság jelensége a narratív helyzetekben


Elsődleges irodalom

Ashford, Daisy (1977/1919): The Young Visiters. London, Chatto &Windus

Beckett, Samuel (1964/1958): Texts For Nothing. One. In uő: Stories and Texts For Nothing. New York, Grove Press, 75-79.  [Magyarul: Samuel Beckett (1989): Semmi-szövegek. In uő: Előre vaknyugatnak. Ford. Tandori Dezső. Budapest,Európa,127-191.]

Browning, Robert (1968/1842): My Last Duchess. In Poems of Robert Browning. London, Oxford University Press, 171-173. [Magyarul: Robert Browning(1981): Elhúnyt nőm, a hercegnő. In Robert Browning: Versei. Ford. Szabó Lőrinc. Budapest, Európa]

Eliot, George (1985/1880): The Mill on the Floss. Szerk. A. S. Byatt. London: Penguin. [Magyarul: Eliot, George (1966): A vízimalom. Ford. Szinnai Tivadar. Budapest, Európa]

Fielding, Henry (1986/1743): Jonathan Wild. London, Penguin [Magyarul: Henry Fielding (1993): A néhai nagy Jonathan Wild úr élettörténete. Ford. Julow Viktor. Budapest, Magyar Hírlap – Maecenas]

Kelly, Walt (1974/1957): The Jack Acid Society Black Book. In Pogo Revisited. New York, Simon and Schuster, 220-320.

Private Eye (1979) Another Boob of Batches. London, Deutsch.

Thackeray, William Makepeace (1975/1852): The Memoirs of Barry London. Esq. Harmondsworth, Penguin [Magyarul: Thackeray, William Makepeace (1973): Nemes Barry Lyndon úr emlékiratai. Ford. Rákosi Zoltán. Budapest, Magyar Helikon]

Thurber, James (1973/1939): The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. In The Thurber Carnival. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 69-74.

Wells, Carolyn (szerk.) (1958): A Nonsense Anthology. New York, Dover


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Banfield, Ann (1982): Unspeakable Sentences. Narration and Representation in the Language of Fiction. London, Routledge

Barthes, Roland (1975/1966): An Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative. New Literary History, 6: 237-272. [Magyarul: Barthes, Roland (1998):Bevezetés a történetek strukturális elemzésébe. Ford. Simonffy Zsuzsa. In Bókay Antal – Vilcsek Béla (szerk.): A modern irodalomtudomány kialakulása. A pozitivizmustól a strukturalizmusig. Budapest, Osiris, 527-542.]

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Cohn, Dorrit (1978): Transparent Minds. Narrative Modes for Presenting Consciousness in Fiction. Princeton, Princeton UP.

Cohn, Dorrit (1981): The Encirclement of Narrative. On Franz Stanzel’s Theorie des Erzählens. Poetics Today, 2.2:157-182.

Cohn, Dorrit (1990): Signposts of Fictionality. A Narratological Perspective. Poetics Today, 11.4: 775-804.

Cohn, Dorrit (1993): ’I doze and wake.’ The Deviance of Simultaneous Narration. In Tales and „their telling difference“. Zur Theorie und Geschichte der Narrativik. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Franz K. Stanzel. Szerk. Herbert Foltinek et al. Heidelberg, Winter, 9-23.

Cordesse, Gérard (1988): Narration et focalisation. Poétique, 76: 487-498.

Doležel, Lubomír (1980): Truth and Authenticity in Narrative. Poetics Today, 1.3: 7-25.

Edmiston, William F. (1991): Hindsight and Insight. Focalisation in Four Eighteenth-Century French Novels. University Park, Pennsylvania State UP.

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Fludernik, Monika (1992): Subversive Irony. Reflectorization, Trustworthy Narration and Dead-Pan Narrative in The Mill on the Floss. REAL. The Yearbook of Research in English and Americane Literatur, 8: 159-182.

Fludernik, Monika (1996): Towards a ‚Natural’ Narratology. London, Routledge

Fludernik, Monika (1998): Defining (In)sanity. The Narrator of The Yellow Wallpaper and the Question of Unreliability. In Narratologie, Rhetorik, Textlinguistik. Ein Integrationsversuch. Szerk. Walter Grünzweig és Andreas Solbach. Tübingen, Narr

Genette, Gérard (1980/1972): Narrative Discourse. Oxford, Blackwell

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Genette, Gérard (1997/1987): Paratexts. Thresholds of Interpretation. Ford.Jane E. Lewin. Ithaca/NY, Cornell UP.

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Hamburger, Käte (1977/1957): Die Logik der Dichtung. Stuttgart, Klett

Hof, Renate (1984): Das Spiel des unreliable narrator in Nabokovs Lolita. Amerika Studien, 25.4: 418-431.

Jahn, Manfred (1997): Frame, Preferences, and the Reading of Third-Person Narratives. Towards a Cognitive Narratology. Poetics Today, 18.4: 441-468.

Jahn, Manfred (1998): ’Speak, friend, and enter’. Garden Paths and Their Narratological Implications. In Narratologies. New Perspectives on Narrative Analysis. Szerk. David Herman. Columbus, Ohio State UP.

Jochum, Klaus-Peter (1979): Discrepant Awareness. Studies in English Renaissance Drama. Frankfurt/M, Lang

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Lanser, Susan Sniader (1981): The Narrative Act. Point of View in Prose Fiction. Princeton, Princeton UP.

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Preston, Elizabeth (1996): Relational Reconsiderations. Reliability, Heterosexuality, and Narrative Authority in Villette. Style, 30.3: 386-408.

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